It's time to setup your shop. 

This guide provides the main steps that you need to complete to start selling online. If you do not have access to the Shop Admin, please contact your local consultant.

Step 1: Shop setup wizard

Step 2: Add a category

Step 3: Add a product

Step 4: Add a delivery method

Step 5: Add a payment method


Step 1:  Shop setup wizard 

When first accessing the shop admin, you will be taken through a three-step process that will prompt you to enter the required information and configure the most important settings.


Clicking the help icon for any field will show a pop-up description with further details and advice.

Step 2: Add a category

Before you can populate your shop with products, you need to add categories for the products to appear in. 


Once you have done this you can then add your products. 


Make sure you have an image for each category so customers can easily browse through your shop.  

Help Videos


Step 3:  Add a product 

Now that you have added a category, you can add a product


Make sure you have an image for each product so customers can easily browse through your shop.  


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Step 4:  Add a delivery method 

Before you take your first order, you need to decide what delivery methods you want to use, and then set them up in your shop's delivery rates so that your customers can choose a delivery method at checkout.


Take a look on the web at the different courier services to calculate your delivery. 

Click here to get a price from Royal Mail and Parcelforce WorldWide.  

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Step 5:  Add a payment method 

To make sure your customers can pay you, you need to enable a payment gateway. A payment gateway provider lets you accept payments securely. it'seeze supports the following payment providers:

  • Stripe
  • Authipay
  • Cardstream (including CardPayGo, First Payment Merchant Services, Handepay, Pay Global, Paytriot, Retail Merchant Services, and Universal Transaction Processing)
  • ePDQ (Barclaycard)
  • Global Payments
  • PayPal
  • Sage Pay
  • WorldPay
  • Offline payment (used if you take payment by cheque or over the telephone, or invoice the customer separately from taking their order.)


We recommend checking the costs, features and support included in the payment providers' plans.


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