Figure 1. the map option icon
Maps can display a directions search feature, making it easy for your visitors to find how to get to you, as shown in the example in figure 2.
Figure 2. an example map
Editing a map
Click on the map to open the map window, as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3. the map window
On the left of the window you can choose the map location using the search field, and select the zoom level by using the plus and minus buttons. On the right of the window you change the following settings:
Which style of map to use. The map on the left of the window will update when you select a style.
Whether to use metric, imperial, or nautical units on the scale bar and in directions.
Marker title
The title displayed in the pop-up above the marker. If no title or description are entered, the pop-up will not be shown.
Marker description
The description displayed in the pop-up above the marker.
Directions search
Whether the directions search form is displayed.
Map height
The height of the map, in pixels.
Click OK to apply the changes to the map. Click Cancel to return to the page without changing the map.