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The table component, whose option icon is shown in figure 1, creates a table.

Figure 1. the table option icon

A table is a grid of text components, as shown in figure 2. The web browser automatically determines how wide to make the columns to best fit the text.

Figure 2. an example of a table

Editing a table

In edit mode a dotted line is shown around each cell and a table bar is displayed above the table, as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. a table in edit mode

Rows and columns can be added and deleted by right-clicking on the cells to display a context menu. The text in the cells can be edited in the same way as text components. The shortcuts Tab and ShiftTab can be used to move forwards and backwards between cells.

The table window

Click on the table bar to open the table window, as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. the table window

The field at the top of the table window lets you choose how much space there should be, in pixels, between table cells.

The Import… and Export buttons allow you to import and export CSV files. CSV files can be edited in spreadsheet applications. If you have data in a spreadsheet that you want to display on your site, you can export a CSV file from the spreadsheet application and then import it into the table.

Click OK to apply the changes to the table. Click Cancel to return to the page without changing the table.