The field component, whose option icon is shown below, creates a text field in a form.
Editing a field
Click on the field to open the field window, as shown below.

The field window has two tabs. The Field tab lets you change the following settings:
The label for the field.
Field position
Whether the field is shown next to the label, below the label and full width, or below the label and indented (in order to line up with fields displayed next to their labels).
Field type
Whether the field is a single-line field or a multiple-line field.
Whether the visitor has to enter a value in the field.
Value format
The format of the value. Browsers use this setting to offer appropriate autofill suggestions, which helps your site comply with accessibility requirements. Mobile browsers may show a special keyboard for some formats to make entering an appropriate value easier. Some formats are validated, and the visitor will not be able to submit the form with invalid values.
Value format | Special mobile keyboard | Validation | Other effects | Autofill |
Any text | - | None | - | No |
Number | Numbers only | Must be number | - | No |
Telephone number | Numbers and punctuation only | None | - | Yes |
E-mail address | Prominent @ sign | Must look like an e-mail address | The first e-mail field in the form is used to set the reply address on submitted forms sent to you, allowing you to easily reply to the visitor | Yes |
Name | - | None | - | Yes |
First name | - | None | - | Yes |
Last name | - | None | - | Yes |
Organisation | - | None | - | Yes |
Address line 1 | - | None | - | Yes |
Address line 2 | - | None | - | Yes |
Address line 3 | - | None | - | Yes |
Postal code | - | None | - | Yes |
Country | - | None | - | Yes |
Username | - | None | Browsers may suggest saved usernames for the site | Yes |
New password | - | None | Browsers may suggest a randomly generated password | Yes |
Current password | - | None | Browsers may suggest saved passwords for the site | Yes |
URL | Prominent URL punctuation | Must contain a domain name, optionally with a http:// or https:// | - | Yes |
The MailChimp tab is shown if the form is connected to a MailChimp list, and lets you specify the corresponding field in the MailChimp list.
Click OK to apply the changes to the field. Click Cancel to return to the page without changing the field.